Meet our two dogs, Sunny and Hunk.
Hunk (is my Unk) is a retired racing greyhound that Jenni rescued about six years ago. He was not fast enough to become a stud, nor sticky enough to become glue. Hunk's favorite pastimes include pooping on the floor, pretending he has no bones, questioning authority, and dripping nose. His age is roughly the same as his IQ, 8.
Sunday (Sunny) is a rescue dog from up north who is about three years old. We think he's part border collie, part black lab, and part tongue. Sunny enjoys showing you his belly, shedding in most foods and soups, and studying tactical military strategy to get all the treats. He is the smartest dog ever. And also completely clueless. He regularly becomes trapped in the downstairs bathroom.
And yes, we are those people who dress our dogs. Hunk is not built for the out of doors while Sunny appreciates dog clothes that are made by people clothes makers.